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Her name could only get more Southern if it was dipped in gravy and baptized by Paula Dean. But that's just the way it was in the little part of Georgia where she was born and raised.  Not many people moved past 20 miles from where they grew up - or at least that was in a statistic she read somewhere. Her older brother (Finn Allan Monroe) made it all over the place - Army tended to have that effect. But Ellie? Nah,  she didn't get 20 miles...hell, she didn't get out the front door.




Dad OD'd sometime before her 10th birthday, he liked to tell stories - voices and everything. He liked guns, a lot. And he liked heroin more than he liked anything else. Shitty as it was for him to drop dead like that, at least he went out doing what he loved, right? Some ghosts never left him alone, so it seems he just chased them on to their playing field.

Her Mama hasn't been seen since she dropped the kids off with Granny Monroe after Dad's funeral and went to go get smokes.  Wasn't so bad, not really. She and her brother moved outta the trailer and into Granny Monroe's place. Went to school all regular and even made friends - made a few enemies can be real dicks when it comes to 'white trash' moving into their neighborhood. They weren't so shitty to them once they got on up into high school. Granny Monroe said it's because Ellie got tits and Finn learned what his fists were for. Probably right, got better and that's the point.

Granny did a good job with the rest of the raising. One kid in the Army, the other graduated and even got two year degree at the community college. Not much compared to some folks, but it was something Ellie had accomplished  and  Granny made a big fuss over it with cake and the like.

Not that she went too far with that degree, no, Ellie stayed close to take care of the woman that took care of her. And when she died...what was the point of leaving the only home she knew?


Ellie had managed to get a reputation - bat shit crazy. Oh she was nice enough and no one actually saw her go off the rails in all this time. Except once. Once was all it took. Ellie and a sawed off shotgun,driving Old Man Carter's tractor and one passed out, ass kicked and shot in the ass man in the bucket of it. Parked it right in front of the hospital and took herself to the station. She got detained, not sure what the hell to charge her with since she wasn't saying a word. Old Carter's son was the one up in the hospital and funnily enough he said to let her go, she didn't do a thing.

And that was that. People whispered, people guessed. The only thing they knew is she didn't look like she was jokin'  with that gun and the Carter's steered clear of her.

Then one day out of the blue, that old Charger and the blonde that owned it left town, she didn't look back. 

First there was Georgia

And then came Seattle

Seattle was a job. It was just a stop along the way...until one night at one bar made her change her mind. Not that she said so out loud, but that's how it was. A whim.

That whim forever changed her life.  Pale blue eyes, a smirk that warned of disaster looming and the irresistible urge to taste and inhale everything about him.  She didn't even get called by her usual name out here. Gone was "Ellie" and in place of that naive but deadly blonde was 'Sawyer'. A clean slate in all ways. 

Not exactly clean: her less than legal activities continued, and her whims became a bit more tawdry. But damn it she wouldn't change it!  Though...there was something *more* to the friends she was making in this rainy city. Her eyes opened up to a whole new level of humanity...and lack thereof. 

Friendships made and lost, betrayed and hurt by some, she remained. Because those worth staying for...nothing beat it. Hell, for them, she finally considered herself at home. 

Little did she know that the other shoe would drop a little over a year later. That shit hit hard, though it ended up just reminding her that her family has a long history of really fucking bad choices. Namely, suicide by vampire. First her heart, then her life, then he crushed both without thinking twice. Good news is, Sawyer's been picking herself up for a long time now and be damned if she was going to roll over and play dead. Love him? Sure as hell did. But not enough to not love herself more.

Now it gets complicated...

When her engagement ended and the dissolving  of her connection to her sire (same man) began, Sawyer was hitting a spiral.Fortunately, the voice of reason and her business contact via text and computer since she was 17 dropped what he was doing to see what the hell was going on with her unusual behavior. 

Only so much he could do, but with his presence it gave her the foothold she needed to get back on her feet. And oh boy did she ever. With renewed motivation, she was certain the thing she needed to do most was to sever herself completely from her ex. As long as she had to name him, call him sire, she'd never be free, would she? She was without his love, without his attention, without his presence. But every night she woke, every vein she tapped, she could practically relive the night he sired her behind the dip of lashes. 

Sawyer looked into blood magic, lore, hunters, and the bottom of every bottle of bourbon she could for answers. Finally, she put in a favor to Frank Carter. Mean ass now as he was ten years ago, but she knew that if there was an answer to be had, he'd find it.

Sawyer wasn't wrong. 

Was she human? Yes...and no. Alive? Yes..very much. She wasn't the first to rid herself of vampirism, but she hadn't done it alone, or easily.  At the moment she has no idea what she has become..but soon she will understand the words Nfise Bela and what it means to her messy, glorious, maddening life. 

Ikea instructions are less convoluted...

Nothing is ever easy, is it?  Now how to sum up so it makes sense? Whatever, we'll give it a shot.  Gage Riggs became her  little touch stone of friendship and sanity, Val - wolf ulfric worked with him and together they handled her little dracula issue. One thing led to another and Val became her girlfriend - still is, actually.  Now Val being Ulfric means she has wolves in her care and at her command. Those wolves are now family to Sawyer. The blonde might not be a wolf, but she'd been unanimously accepted as part of the pack.   Rix, part of that pack is Val's...wolf's...mate. See, this is where you need a flow chart because add in Katia who is Rix's not-quite-human girlfriend.  It's a lot, I know.   In this year from live changing (literally) magic and life turning topsy turvy, Sawyer began working for Paragon, her partner is JJ, and her bosses are Kenndy and one Mars Jones, Ulfric of another clan...the blood relatives of Rix. It's really not that complicated day to day, just on paper.  

Adding another element of madness and delight?  Sawyer is pregnant with her first child!   Try not to piss off the overly hormonal, emotionally unstable, soul eating blonde. Just not today.

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