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Sawyer Elliot Monroe


Age: 26 (Ages extremely slowly. Birthday July 4th)

Height: 5'8"

Species: Nfise Bela

Occupation: Monroe Logistics, a freelance computer/security analyst (that's what's on her taxes!)

Location: The Domain (Rhydin-ish)


Deceased- Father Mark Lawson Monroe 4/1/00

Deceased: Mother Sylvia Monroe 12/30/01

Deceased: Brother Finn Allan Monroe 11/30/15


Lilyanna Gage Riggs-Knight,

Connor Eliot Jae Riggs-Knight,

 Georgia Riley Rose Riggs-Knight
Would need to draw you a map, maybe a power point. Val will forever be the other mother to my children and important to my life. Unexpectedly, happily, blissfully in love with Corbin Riggs, the father of my children. 



Georgia is where life began for Sawyer, but she's gone through many phases and places that have her where she is now.  Her dad was a charming ARMY vet that settled back into the same small town that he left to teach at the local Junior high. Her mother was a good time that turned into an obligation once she got pregnant with Finn, and no escape for the wild bride of his when child number two came along as the apple of his eye.

Depression, infidelity, too much booze, careless pills, Mark's life ended with a lot of questions unanswered, mainly 'why'.  Sylvia left the kids with Mark's mother after the funeral and Sawyer never saw her again. When she got older, she did try and find her only to discover Sylvia had died in 01 in a car accident. The loss that stung the most was Finn, though. He was a Ranger like their dad. Charismatic, handsome, funny. One day they were taking a drive in his classic charger, the next she was looking into the somber eyes of a Georgia officer, telling her that her brother had done shot himself. Gone, just like that.

Sawyer might have just went off the rails a little, but no one could blame her. Hell she was half crazy anyway with her shotgun and zero bullshit tolerance. She had her mama's smile and her daddy's charm. Luckily she got her smarts from her Grandma (at least that's what Grandma said!)  

With a knack for computers and guns, is it any wonder she found herself on the questionable side of the law? But she had contacts, she had resources and she had a certain disconnect from life that led her into dangerous places.

Life may not be what she had thought it would be, but Sawyer had never been the kind of girl that let life run over her. She might drop to a knee and regroup, but if you think she's down? You'd be wrong.  Southern women get back up, and they come up swinging. 

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